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Mobile Journalism

Mobile Journalism is an emerging form of new media storytelling where reporters use with network connectivity to gather, edit and send news instantly to their newsroom. Compared to traditional journalism, mobile journalism has many benefits. Realizing the added benefits of mobile journalism, many media organizations have already embraced mobile journalism and are looking forward to people with such skillsets.

This course is designed to implant the related skill sets to those who wish to make a career as a professional journalist using mobile phone as a tool, and as well as equipping the learners with specific skills for film making using smartphones - including all relevant elements of pre & post production of film making.
MOJO (Mobile Film Making and Mobile Journalism | 80 hours  |

Basics of FilmMaking:-


► Film making using mobile,

► Understanding camera,

► Lighting,

► Sound, 

► Editing,

► Writing script, 

► Direction and production, 





► News writing, reporting, 

► On spot editing, 

► Interview skills, 

► Story writing, 

► Mobile technology, 

► Using mobile apps for filming and editing,

► 5 minute film project, 

► News coverage project, 

► Graphic design elementary


2 weeks of Project  | Evening classes | Promo Offer

➢ Faculty includes experts and
stalwarts from the film & television industry and alumni of the FTII and SRFTI
➢      NSDC certified program
➢     Aligned to film & television industry and NSDC standard